Showing 1–12 of 58 results

2 x SONAX 05134000 Rust Remover 750 ml

Removes aggressive rust residue and industrial dust from all painted and varnished plastic surfaces. Very gentle and easy on materials thanks to pH neutral formula. Removes aggressive rust deposits and industrial dust from all paint and lacquered plastic surfaces, very gentle and easy on materials, pH neutral formula.

App R Stop Rust Converter, Strong Rust Protection, Penetrates the Rust and Blocks

App R Stop Rust Converter, Strong Rust Protection, Penetrates the Rust and Blocks Its Spread, Transparent Rust Converter Car for Use with Brush, 100 ml

BREHMA 3 x Foam Air Conditioning Cleaner 400 ml

The BREHMA air conditioning cleaner removes micro-organisms such as bacteria, germs, Mould and bad odours. The BREHMA air conditioning cleaner cleans the air ducts. and prevents infections and allergic reactions. After insertion The cleaner foams up strongly and thus reaches hard-to-reach areas.

Brunox 2 x Epoxy Rust Converter Rust Protection Rust Stop Primer 400 ml

Brunox Epoxy rust restoration system. Application and effect: rust remover. Epoxy Primer For the industrial maintenance of constructions, equipment, machines, vehicles etc. Brunox Epoxy is the patented rust restoration system based on epoxy resin.

BRUNOX Epoxy 1813019 Rostlöser, 5 Literq

Brunox Epoxy is the patented epoxy resin based rust converter. Brunox epoxy penetrates 7 to 10 times deeper than conventional rust converters. The cognac-coloured clear liquid forms a metal-organic iron compound and a durable protective layer with the neutralised rust layer. Capacity: 5 litres.

BRUNOX Epoxy Bottle, Rust Converter, 1 L

BRUNOX neutralises rust and combines with rust and iron to create a stable, black protective layer that prevents rusting.

Brunox Epoxy, Rust Converter & Primer, 2-in-1, 100 ml

Rust remover? epoxy primer For the industrial maintenance of constructions, plants, machines, vehicles, etc. Brunox epoxy is the patented rust restoration system based on epoxy resin. The amber clear liquid forms a metal-organic iron complex with the neutralised rust layer

Brunox Epoxy, rust converter and primer, 2-in-1, 400 ml

BRUNOX Epoxy is the patented rust restoration system based on epoxy resin. The amber clear liquid forms a metal-organic iron complex with the neutralised rust layer. This forming, black, very compact and resistant protective layer provides long-term corrosion protection and is also a perfect primer thanks to the epoxy resin components.

Caramba Performance Kontakt Spray (250 ml)

Caramba Performance Kontakt Spray (250 ml) – Ölspray zur Vorbeugung und Behebung feuchtigkeitsbedingter Zündstörungen & Kontaktbrand – verbessert die Leitfähigkeit am Kontakt

Dr. Wack S100 Chain Cleaner 300 ml + White Chain Spray 2.0 400

Dr. Wack S100 Chain Cleaner 300 ml + White Chain Spray 2.0 400 ml + baytronic Cleaning Brush

Evapo-Rust C700 Rostentferner, 946 ml

Es gibt kein schlechteres Gefühl, als die orangefarbene, raue Oberfläche Ihres Autos zu sehen, die einst mit einem Anstrich versehen war.Da das Wetter fast zu allen vier Jahreszeiten Regen garantiert, kann es sein, dass Ihr Auto bereits die Anzeichen einer verrosteten Karosserie aufweist.